Are You Looking for Lifelong Health? The Secret is Exercise!

group of women exercise using dumbbells

What if I told you there was one thing you could do to achieve lifelong health? The secret is simpler than you think—just get moving! Exercise isn’t just about losing weight or building muscle; it’s a holistic approach to enhancing your overall well-being. Fitness is for EVERYONE but it’s especially crucial for, perimenopausal and menopausal women. Engaging in regular physical activity now can yield lifelong benefits, so just move it! 

The “Magic Pill” of Lifelong Health

Imagine there was a supplement proven to extend your lifespan, regardless of age or physical condition. Whether you’re 40, 50, or 60 years old, have heart disease, or are recovering from illness, this ‘supplement’ would still help you live longer. The evidence is compelling—regular exercise functions as this miracle pill. Firstly, it aids in preventing chronic diseases, boosts brain function, and helps manage stress. Secondly, exercise is so potent for our well-being that many medical organizations recommend specific types and frequencies of exercise, not just for the healthy but also for those managing chronic conditions.

person wearing orange and gray Nike shoes walking on gray concrete stairs

Types of Exercises and Their Benefits

To achieve a well-rounded fitness routine, it’s essential to incorporate various types of exercises. Each type offers unique benefits:

Cardiovascular Exercises

Cardio exercises such as jogging, swimming, and cycling improve heart health and increase stamina. They help to reduce the risk of heart disease and enhance lung function. Because cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death for women aged 40-60, regular cardiovascular is essential! Exercise offers you life-long protection against it! 

Strength Training

Strength training exercises like weight lifting, resistance band workouts, and body-weight exercises build muscle mass, improve bone density, and enhance metabolic rate. This makes it easier to manage weight and prevent osteoporosis. Hormonal changes due to menopause can directly affect bone density. Weight training can help you fight back! 

Flexibility Exercises

According to research done at Johns Hopkins, Flexibility exercises such as yoga and stretching increase the range of motion in your joints, reduce the risk of injury, and improve overall posture. They also help us to stay safe, as women with more flexibility are less likely to sustain exercise injuries and are at decreased risk for falls! 

three women kneeling inside building at daytime

Overcoming Exercise Barriers

Maintaining a regular exercise routine can be challenging. Here are practical tips to help you overcome common barriers:

Time Constraints

If you have kids, aging parents, a demanding job, and a house to maintain, you know that busy schedules can make it difficult to find time for exercise. Aim for short, high-intensity workouts or split your exercise into smaller, manageable sessions throughout the day. Taking a walk after dinner while talking with a friend, for instance. This allows you to combine socializing with your exercise routine, allowing you to combine two activities into your busy schedule at once. The best exercise is the one you can do regularly! 

Lack of Motivation

Many women today are juggling so much that it can be hard to find motivation to exercise regularly. Start small! Setting realistic goals and tracking your progress can help. Joining a fitness group or enlisting a workout buddy can also make exercise more enjoyable. Even getting on the phone to chat with a good friend while you do a simple stretching routine in your living room can be an enjoyable way to incorporate more exercise.

Physical Limitations

Health conditions or injuries might limit your ability to exercise. Consult with your naturopathic healthcare provider for tailored exercise recommendations. Even light activities like walking or swimming can be beneficial. Your ND can help you find exercises or exercise accommodations that can help you maintain a beneficial workout routine no matter your circumstances.  This is a lifelong health journey!

Exercise and Mental Health

Are you feeling down and blue and finding it hard to find the motivation and energy to exercise? Researchers have found that the connection between exercise and mental health is profound! In other words, the best way to get started might just be GETTING started.

Regular physical activity can:

Boost Mood

Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters. This can help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. Exercise can be a big stress reliever for busy women; a short jog can really work off feelings of frustration or anger, which can allow you to think more clearly, too! 

Reduce Stress

Physical activity lowers levels of the body’s stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. Lower cortisol can help reduce inflammation in the body, and support your immune system, Exercise also promotes relaxation, improving sleep quality, which is crucial in mid-life!

Enhance Cognitive Function

Exercise improves brain health by increasing blood flow and stimulating brain cell growth. This can enhance memory, focus, and overall cognitive function. The dreaded menopause brain, or brain fog, forgetfulness and inattention can be improved with exercise! Regular exercise may also help us ward off dementia in later life. 

smiling woman

Making Exercise a Lifelong Habit

To reap the lifelong benefits of exercise, it’s crucial to make it a consistent part of your routine. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Start Small

Begin with shorter sessions and gradually increase the duration and intensity. Consistency is more important than intensity in the beginning.

Choose Enjoyable Activities

Find physical activities that you enjoy. Whether it’s dancing, hiking, or playing a sport, doing something you love increases the likelihood of sticking with it. If you dread the gym, don’t go there, instead take your dog to the dog park, ride your bike on a gorgeous bike path, or take a yoga class with a friend! 

Set Realistic Goals

Establish achievable fitness goals to keep yourself motivated. Every step you take is a step towards your better health! Celebrate milestones to maintain enthusiasm and track your progress.

Want to learn more?

Your fitness journey is unique, and your experiences with exercise and physical health are too!  We’d love to hear from you about your challenges. Schedule a complimentary 15-minute discovery call today to find out how Naturopathic Medicine can benefit you on your health journey!



Discover the transformative power of naturopathic medicine for women with Dr. Melissa McCarty. Whether you’re dealing with chronic health issues or seeking preventative care, her integrative approach addresses root causes and fosters a vibrant, balanced lifestyle.

Take the first step towards optimal health. Schedule your free 15-minute discovery call with Dr. Melissa McCarty today and explore how her expertise in naturopathic medicine can make a difference in your life. Dive deeper into her insights through her latest webinars and gain a wealth of knowledge to support your wellness journey.

In this call, we will talk about what you’re going through, how you’ve tried to address your health concerns in the past & how and if I and my support team can help. 

We will then discuss a plan of action to prepare for your first appointment, a complete Wellness Evaluation, where we dive deep into the 5 Pillars of the program and decide if it’s right for you, if we can take your case, and if you are ready!

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